Physiotherapy is the proper physical therapy, complete with a rehabilitative path, in case of low back pain.

Its purpose is to soothe and control pain, increase physical performance and provide the patient with a schedule of physical exercises aimed at avoiding relapses.

After a first passive phase, the patient is helped to improve his/her posture, rebalancing his/her brawn through active practice and in teh end a personal exercise scheduled is planned, based on the particular disfunction.

During the first session, data is taken from the patient’s history, (symptoms, work, lifestyle etc), from the referring specialists (if applicable) and any diagnostic documentation (if available). Together, all the available data assists the therapist in making an accurate diagnosis.

The patient is observed as a whole.

The methodologies used in this phase are:

  • Analysis of locomotion
  • Analysis of static state
  • Analysis of tissues and joints affected
  • Muscle testing

After this evaluation, the case will be discussed directly with the specialist (orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, dentist …) to establish a plan.

Physiotherapy is a health profession that deals with the recovery, prevention and treatment of simple and complex disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The areas of application are numerous and range from post-surgical rehabilitation(rehabilitation of the shoulder, ankle, knee, elbow, etc …) to acute and chronic pain of any body part, related to postural imbalances (scoliosis, knee pain, back pain and recurrent neck pain, etc …).

The techniques are manual (Mezieres postural reeducation, Souchard, pompage, bandages, tape …) facilitating both the full function and the autonomy of the body with consideration to and readjustment of compensatory imbalances.

Recognition of the physiotherapist

In Italy, according to law, physiotherapy can be practiced only by the physiotherapist with a Bachelor degree (Doctor of Physiotherapy).

Laura Licci holds a doctorate in physiotherapy, completed at the University of Sapienza – Rome, since 1986.  She is officially a member of AIFI (Italian Association of Physiotherapists).

Physiotherapy also addresses the individual as a whole and involves manual techniques  for the treatment of the spine and rehabilitation of the lower limbs in both pre and post operative as well as acute, chronic and recurrent episodes.

Main pathologies treated in Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal system: scoliosis, scoliosis attitudes, arthritis and osteopenia

Spine: herniated lumbar and cervical discs, vertebral collapse, spinal listing, sciatica, stiff neck

Lower limbs: Coxal arthritis, post operative rehabilitation of the knee, sprains, metatarsalgia

Upper limbs: shoulder instability, bursitis, post surgical rehabilitation or fracture of the shoulder / elbow / wrist, epicondylitis, medial epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger; scars: keloids, postoperative adhesions

Cervicalgia e Osteopatia

Sono venuta dalla Dott.ssa Licci avendo questo dolore alla cervicale da 4 giorni, e non so che dire, ho fatto delle manovre, ho sentito come un dolore che scendeva sulla gamba e dopodiché… è sparito tutto.. non so che dire… sto bene!

Corridore con un dolore persistente all’Adduttore

Vari specialisti mi avevano detto che avrei dovuto smettere di correre, la mia passione. Non mi sono arreso ed ho trovato su Google la Dott.ssa Licci, una persona che mi ascolta con la A maiuscola e grazie alla quale oggi mi trovo ad aver fatto dei passi incredibili e con la quale stiamo lavorando per una completa guarigione.

L’osteopatia aiuta anche la campionessa italiana di scherma

Bianca, campionessa italiana di scherma, potrà affrontare i prossimi mondiali dopo aver accusato un problema alla coscia sull’affondo. È stata trattata con l’osteopatia e con dei plantari ed ha ripreso appieno la sua forma fisica. In bocca al lupo!