We selected the following links that will show you webs, schools or associations about osteopathy, that may be of your interest.
Clicking on any of the following link will open a new window in which you can access the web page indicated:
- A.I.F.I. – Italian Association of Physiotherapists
- R.O.I. – Italian Register of Osteopathy
- EOP – European Osteopathic Project – Rome, Italy
- Ceeso – Centre Européen d’ Enseignement Supérieur de l’Ostéopathie, Paris and Lyon – France
- Eso – European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone – UK
- EOM – Escuela de Osteoaptía de Madrid – Spagna
- FEOB – Fundación Escuela de Osteopatía de Barcelona – Spagna
- AOA – American Osteopathic Associacion – USA
- SaluteSchiena – the first italian portal about spine health
- Tuttosteopatia – The Osteopathy web portal
- Dr. Licci on Doctoralia – Online Doctor’s search engine